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BALLET FUNKY is already looking past THE FIRST


Another tomorrow-legend built upon a today-story from a marketing pen is one based on the life and times of Katie, Mum of the Oxo Family. Unfolding one small piece at a time between 1958 and 1999 her story offered an idyllic image of middle England, though not without ups and downs for her that would sometimes stretch her patience and also her family's limits.


Today BALLET FUNKY sets Katie's story across a single indulgent week in 1933 when it was quite possible for a good woman to become bad for a time too. We see her multi-layered journey through all of her states, see how she chooses when encountering her what-ifs. A fine mix of humour and .. tragedy or reality? .. as the real woman emerges at the end of her week of realised dreams. 

IN PLANNING: "A Golden Blend"

The Gold Blend Coffee couple was more Soap Opera than advertising campaign.

Beginning in 1987 Sharon and Tony (later Mike in the US) played out a seemingly on-off, will they won't they, did they didn't they, poorly concealed deeply wonderful romance nightly in front of just a few million of their closest friends.


But now, and at completely the other end of the Ballet spectrum, it is the year 2433 and the location is New Paris, off-world, the destination for those looking to find truest Love. Mystery woman Norah S. breezes through the life of writer Mike, a former successful trans-galaxy commodities broker who never really wanted his success but only to finish writing the book that he started and then put aside 15 years earlier because of the pain of the lived-story on its pages - a story, his story, that he now sees disagreeably diluted by this image of the woman in it who broke his heart, only she is no image ...


Now, THAT's Funky!

"Three Thumbs UP!" - Chernobyl Chronicle
"Utterly Utterly Charming" - Some lady who knows a woman married to a guy whose sister used to char for Darcey Bussell and once heard her say "Utterly Utterly Charming!" about something and who has wanted to say that herself ever since.
"Niche? It's a Crevasse!" - The Times (they are a'changing)
"" - Communications
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